Category: TTBF 2015

A Chit-Chat With Author Rick Yancey!

-This post comes from BookPeople Teen Press Corps members Sofia & Haley   Teen Press Corps: So, first off, how do you begin to write a book? Does it start with a scene, a character, or a line of dialogue? Rick Yancey: For me, it’s always a mental image. I have a mental image of a character in a situation…

Drawing Between The Lines Panel

-This post comes from Parker of BookPeople’s Teen Press Corps.   Everyone had a great time at the Drawing Between the Lines panel, which included the authors Stephen Emond, Gareth Hinds, Andrew Smith, and Nicola and David Yoon. Here are some of the things they talked about.   Stephen Emond—Bright Lights, Dark Nights –At first he was thinking of doing…