Category: TTBF 2011
Keynote: Illustrated Novels
Scott Westerfeld Keynote Scott Westerfeld, author of the Levithan series, the Uglies Series, Peeps, and Minighters, all young-adult novels. His newest is Goliath, the third in the Levithan series. He started off with talking about how he recieved a copy of his novel Levithan in the Japanese form with pictures! Ever noticed how Sherlock Holmes’ signature image is…
Teen Zombie Mob at ATBF!
The authors have arrived safely to the ATBF! They were greeted at breakfast from a teenage zombie flash mob from Hill Country Middle School here in Austin. The zombies were dressed in proper zombie attire and were ready to dance to some Michael Jackson! The Hill Country Zombies preformed a round of the thriller for our authors in honor…
Austin teen book festival
Have been meeting amazing wrighters and learning about them i have had a great time so far and i have been waiting for this for a long time im glad i came and having a good time it will be a long day but worth it. I wish everybody could come and have fun like i am you can meat…
ATBF has begun!
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