Category: TTBF 2014

#TTBF14: Interview with Kevin Emerson

Interviewed by Adrienne, Teen Press Corps~ Adrienne, TPC – What is your favorite book ever, and why? Kevin Emerson: My favorite book, up until high school, was The Stand, by Stephen King. I was really into horror novels. But I think that my favorite novel since then is a book I didn’t like in high school which was Slaughterhouse Five by…

TTBF14 Panel: Growing Up And Other Natural Disasters

“Growing Up and Other Natural Disasters” featured authors Jennifer Mathieu (The Truth About Alice), Andrew Smith (100 Sideways Miles), Julie Murphy (Side Affects May Vary), and Jandy Nelson (I’ll Give You The Sun). The panel covered the origins of their novels, suggestions about their writing, the hardest and best thing about being a teen, writing role models, and more.  …

#TTBF14: A.S. King and Andrew Smith

Reported by Adrienne, Teen Press Corps~   First of all, A.S. King and Andrew Smith are like twins. They think alike, they write alike and they act alike. They go golfing together (via phone) twice a week, and they text random numbers back together just for fun. When it comes to first impressions, these are theirs in three words. A.S.…