A #TTBF Q&A with Author Christopher Myers Assuming all your loved ones and pets are safe, what would you save in a fire? There is one pet named Shiba that I think is secretly plotting to kill me. I’d try to secretly lure her back in to the house. What is one thing you’re glad you tried but would never…
Category: Author Q & As
TTBF Q&A 2019: Author Kate Williams — 2019
A #TTBF Q&A with Author Kate Williams What historical event would you travel back in time to witness? Ok, so it’s not a real historical event, but I would like to be dropped right into the middle of Dazed and Confused—I love the clothes, the cars and the music, the Moontower, everything! This movie came out the year I started…
TTBF Q&A 2019: Author Gabby Rivera — 2019
A #TTBF Q&A with Author Gabby Rivera What’s your writing motto? My therapist really nailed it when she told me: Gabby, remember you’re the writer, not the editor. All you need to do is write. Don’t do anyone else’s job. And I was like daaaamn, that’s true. Also, if I’m writing and it’s not fun, making me laugh, or honest…
TTBF Q&A 2019: Author e. E. Charlton-Trujillo — 2019
A #TTBF Q&A with Author e. E. Charlton-Trujillo What’s your writing motto? Write the story that only you can tell, and remember that nuance, voice and passion on the page is everything. It will truly separate your story from others every single time. If you could go back and give yourself advice as you wrote your first book, Prizefighter En…
TTBF Q&A 2019: Author Sandhya Menon
A #TTBF Q&A with Author Sandhya Menon What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Don’t compare yourself to others, but only to your past self. I love this piece of advice because it holds true in virtually all avenues of life! I find that when I fall into the comparison trap, comparing myself (often unfairly) to others,…